honey & stone events
~ socials ~
instagram- @honeyandstoneevents
website- https://www.honeyandstoneevents.au/
facebook- honey and stone
~ about honey & stone events ~
our creative team are specialists in customising your vision to fit into the exact music, look and feel you are going for, whether it is a large-scale wedding or intimate private event. we love to jump on the phone first and chat about it all before the emails begin to bring a caring and personal touch to your wedding or event.
we've got it covered from acoustic sets to filling the dancefloor with large live bands, from one speaker in a room to full-scale av design and installation. we are privileged to be collaborating with the industries best, always making sure your vision, combined with our highly skilled specialists, ensures your special day is a success.
from the founder:
welcome to honey and stone events. we are so proud to be presenting the incredible talent and expertise we have to offer. Our primary focus is to listen to the wishes of our couples and clients so we can deliver enthralling entertainment and quality av services to make your wedding, corporate or private event an outstanding success not matter the budget or resources.
our musicians, DJ’s and entertainers are part of our roster because they have the gift of igniting that magical tingle that happens when music touches our souls. the av, technical and hire team are all experienced professionals of the highest calibre and deliver work which is reliable, consistent and highly competent.
we look forward to working together and creating a memorable experience to create lifelong memories.
~ contact ~